
Waking up again
Babies who were great sleepers may suddenly start waking up at night or have difficulty falling asleep between 6 and 12 months of age. Why? Sleep disturbances often go hand-in-hand with reaching major milestones in cognitive and motor development and with
separation anxiety.

At 6 to 9 months, your baby may be learning to
sit up, crawl, or possibly even cruise or walk — quite a list of achievements! Not surprisingly, he may not want to stop practicing his new skills at bedtime and may get so excited that he'll wake up to try sitting up just one more time.

Separation anxiety could also be the cause of your baby's wake-up calls. Waking up and finding you not there may cause some distress. But he'll probably calm down as soon as you enter the room and greet him.


沒錯! 慎曦 baby,媽媽知道你是一個勤奮的好孩子,但妳可不可以不要三更半夜爬起來練習站啊? 更不要練習五百障礙想從媽媽的頭上爬過去!


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